Investigation of Fuel Spillage Due to Theft, Hickling Road, Kingswood Lakeside, WS11

Case Study Reference: CS21-10-04

Planning Authority: Cannock Chase Council

Planning Reference:


In order to investigate the impact of the theft of diesel from a tank on the site soils and the soils of the area along the pipe used to syphon the fuel bot a desk study report and intrusive investigation was required.

The main of the desk study report was to determine if any other sources of hydrocarbons were present and to determine the probable background concentrations of hydrocarbons.

The first stage of the work was to prepare a Phase I desk study report in order to determine if the site has the potential to be impacted by elevated levels of contamination, and to determine the source as well as the likelihood of the risk occurring.

A desk study determines what issues relating to historical contamination may affect the site, this is undertaken by reviewing the site history using a combination of O.S. maps, aerial, plates and street level imagery, a review of data held by regulatory bodies (Environment Agency, local authority, BGS etc.) as well as a site walkover survey.

The history of the likely impacted area and surrounds were researched using a combination of Ordnance Survey (O.S.) maps, street level imagery and aerial plates, this revealed the site has remined unchanged from the first edition O.S. map. A pond was noted on the northern boundary on the 1967 and subsequent maps as wel las a landfill100m south east.

Street level imagery confirmed the area was wooded with no direct access.

The planning history of the site was reviewed as part of the desk based research and the reports associated with the previous application were located and studied, no salient information was obtained.

The published geological maps identified the eastern area as not having drift, with Devensian Till on the central area and Glaciofluvial Deposits (sands and gravels) on the western area. The bedrock was given as Pennine Middle Coal Measures Formation.

Deposits of made ground were also noted on the southern boundary of the site.

The borehole section sheets published by the BGS were reviewed and a borehole was present 12m from the site which was confidential and could not be obtained.

Data provided by regulatory bodies confirmed the western area formed part of an open cast workings with a tip 250m north west of the site.



On completion of the desk based research a site reconnaissance visit was undertaken in order to obtain further information on the potential sources identified in the desk based research and to identify any other potential sources. The walkover survey confirmed the area was heavily wooded. The location of the fuel tank as well as visual evidence of releases were noted and it was determined that access ot the impacted area prohibited the use of machinery.

Once the walkover survey was completed a qualitative risk assessment was undertaken on any other potential sources of fuels and it was concluded that the only potential source was from the theft of the fuel.

Samples from a number of locations were taken and subject to hydrocarbon analysis, the assessment of this data concluded that three areas were impacted due to the theft.