Extension To A Wholesale Cash And Carry Building, Broughton Street, Manchester, M8

Case Study Reference: CS21-08-05

Planning Authority: Manchester City Council

Planning Reference: Manchester City Council and 131031/FO/2021


In order to demonstrate that after the development the site could not be classified as ‘contaminated land’ under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act a Phase I desk study report was required to support the application for the erection of an extension to an existing commercial building.

A Phase I desk study report assess the potential for a site to be impacted by contamination, this is undertaken by researching the history of the site and the surrounds as well as a review of information held by regulatory bodies and a site visit.

The history of the site and surrounds were researched using a combination of Ordnance Survey (O.S.) maps, street level imagery and aerial plates. The site was undeveloped on the first edition O.S. maps and by 1892 the site was on the edge of an excavation associated with a clay pit.

The 1931 identities the site as forming part of the grounds of an Aquatite Mill, no further changes wree noted until 1977 when the site formed a parcel fo open land between two buildings.

Street level imagery confirmed the buildings were commercial.

A number of excavations were noted within 250m of the site, associated with the brick works to the north east fo the site.

The site geology was determined using the geologcl maps published by the BGS, for the site both the 1:10,000 and 1:50,000 editions were available. Both scales identified deposits of made ground with 250m of the site.

Data provided by the Environment Agency identified a number of industries in close proximity to the site as well as a landfill 80m east of the site.

On completion of the desk based research a site reconnaissance visit was undertaken, this revealed the site to form a loading area for the adjoining properties.

On completion of the walkover survey a qualitative risk assessment was undertaken on the potential sources of contamination identified in the desk study report in order to determine if any warranted further investigation, this concluded that the past uses of the site, the landfill and in-filled land near the site as well as the made ground that was likely on the site warranted further assessment.

However as the development was the extension to a commercial bulding it was concluded that remediation in lieu of further works was a suitable alternative.

The recommendations were approved and the further works proposed in the report were conditioned.