• Residential Development, Steeple View, Preston, PR2 2PX
    A desk study report was prepared by others in February 2018 which proposed that further investigation and ground gas monitoring was required. Demeter Environmental Ltd were commissioned to undertake the further works,  given that the scope of works was not given in the desk study report the first stage was to reassess the information held […]
  • Residential Development, Ashton Basin, Tulketh Brow, Ashton, Preston, Lancashire
    In order to support the application for the residential redevelopment of  a parcel of land adjacent to the Lancaster Canal, a Phase I Desk Study report was required to support the application and to assess the potential for the site to be impacted by elevated levels of contamination. The first stage of the preparation of […]
  • Erection of a Dwelling, Lauderdale Road, Preston
    In order to support the application for the erection of a residential dwelling a desk study report was required in order to demonstrate it was possible to make the site ‘suitable for use’ on completion of the development of the site. Demeter Environmental were commissioned to prepare the desk study report/ The first stage was […]
  • Erection of a Replacement Dwelling, Broughton, Preston, Lancashire, PR3
    In order to support the application for the erection of a replacement dwelling a desk study report was required to determine if the site had the potential to be impacted by elevated levels of contamination. Initially a review of the history of the site was undertaken, which comprised of a review of published Ordnance Survey […]